
  1. A. Balamurali, P. Korta, N.C. Kar, L. V. Iyer, and G. Schlager,“ Motor Drive Efficiency Optimization System and Method,” Submitted U. S. Provisional Patent No. 62/854,628, 2019.
  2. A. Kundu, A. Balamurali, H. Dhulipati, N.C. Kar, L.V. Iyer, and G. Schlager,“ Inverter for Electric Motor Drive,” Submitted U. S. Provisional Patent No. 62/861,020, 2019.

Journal Papers:

  1. Z. Li, G. Feng, W. Li, C. Lai, and N.C. Kar, “Machine Parameter-Independent Maximum Torque Per Ampere Control for Dual Three-phase PMSMs,” submitted to IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 2019.
  2. G. Feng, C. Lai, and N.C. Kar, “Hierarchal PI based Torque Ripple Minimization Control for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine with Minimal Copper Loss,” submitted to IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 2019.
  3. G. Feng, C. Lai, Z. Li, J. Tjong, and N.C. Kar, “Maximum Torque Minimal Ripple Fault Tolerant Control of Dual Three–phase PMSMs with Online Parameter Estimation,” submitted to IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2019.
  4. C. Lai, G. Feng, Z. Li, and N.C. Kar, “Inductance Estimation for Dual Three–Phase Interior Permanent Magnet Motors based on Multi Synchronous Rotating Frames,” submitted to IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2019.
  5. S. Mukundan, E. Ghosh, H. Dhulipati, J. Tjong, and N.C. Kar, “Pareto ACO Algorithm Based Optimal Design of IPM Rotor Utilizing Star–Delta Winding Harmonics towards Maximum Torque Density and Extended Operating Range,” Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 2019.
  6. G. Feng, C. Lai, W. Li, J. Tjong, and N.C. Kar, “Non–invasive and efficient maximum torque per current square control for IPMSMs,” Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2018.
  7. G. Feng, C. Lai, W. Li, M. Kelly, and N.C. Kar, “Kalman Filter Based Simultaneous Stator Winding and Permanent Magnet Temperature Estimation for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines,” Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2018.
  8. M. Zhu, W. Hu, and N.C. Kar, “The State of Charge Estimation of LiFePO4 Power Battery Based on Dynamic Bayesian Network,” Submitted to the International Journal of Environmental Studies (Taylor & Francis), 2018.
  9. C. Lai, G. Feng, Z. Li, and N.C. Kar, “Decoupled Multi-parameter Estimation of Dual Three-phase PMSM Considering Magnetic Saturation and Inverter Nonlinearity,” Under revision, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2019.
  10. H. Dhulipati, E. Ghosh, P. Korta, S. Mukundan, J. Tjong, and N.C. Kar, “Advanced Design Optimization Technique for Torque Profile Improvement in Six–phase PMSM Using Supervised Machine Learning for Direct–drive EV,” Under revision, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2019.
  11. M. Zhu, W. Hu, G. Feng, and N.C. Kar, “Vold–Kalman Filtering Order Tracking Based Rotor Demagnetization Detection in PMSM,” Under revision, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2018.
  12. M. Mehdi, Y. He, E.J. Hilinski, N.C. Kar, and A. Edrisy, “Non–oriented Electrical Steel with Core Losses Comparable to Grain–oriented Electrical Steel,” Accepted for publication, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2019.
  13. J. Tian, C. Lai, G. Feng, D. Banerjee, W. Li, and N.C. Kar, “Review of Recent Progresses on Gallium Nitride Transistor in Power Conversion Application,” Accepted for publication, International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 2018.
  14. W. Li, G. Feng, C. Lai, Z. Li, J. Tian, and N.C. Kar, “Demagnetization Analysis of Interior Permanent Magnet Machines under Integrated Charging Operation,” Accepted for publication, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2019.
  15. G. Feng, C. Lai, J. Tjong, and N.C. Kar, “Exploring the Phase Angle of Measured Speed Harmonic for Efficient Permanent Magnet Temperature Estimation of PMSMs,” Accepted for publication, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 2019.
  16. W. Li, G. Feng, J. Tian, C. Lai, and N.C. Kar, “Dual DC Current Injection–based Stator Winding Temperature Tracking for Dual Three–phase PMSM Using Kalman Filter,” Accepted for publication, IET Electric Power Applications, 2019.
  17. G. Feng, C. Lai, W. Li, J. Tjong, and N.C. Kar, “Open–phase Fault Modeling and Optimized Fault Tolerant Control of Dual Three–phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines,” Accepted for publication, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2019.
  18. K.L.V. Iyer, C. Lai, S. Mukundan, H. Dhulipati, K. Mukherjee, and N.C. Kar, “Investigation of Interior Permanent Magnet Motor with Dampers for Electric Vehicle Propulsion and Mitigation of Saliency Effect during Integrated Charging Operation,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 68, pp. 1254 – 1265, 2019.
  19. G. Feng, C. Lai, and N.C. Kar, “Speed Harmonic based Modeling and Estimation of Permanent Magnet Temperature for PMSMs Using a Kalman Filter,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 15, pp. 1372 – 1382, 2019.
  20. G. Feng, C. Lai, M. Kelly, and N.C. Kar, “Dual Three–phase PMSM Torque Modelling and Maximum Torque per Peak Current Control through Optimized Harmonic Current Injection,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 66, pp. 3356 – 3368, 2019.
  21. Feng, C. Lai, J. Tian, and N.C. Kar, “Multiple Reference Frame–based Torque Ripple Minimization for PMSM Drive Under Both Steady–state and Transient Conditions,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 34, pp. 6685 – 6696, 2019.

Conference Papers:

  1. S. Mukundan, M. Mehdi, H. Dhulipati, L. Chauvin, A. Edrisy, Y. He, J. Tjong, and N.C. Kar, “Performance Analysis of Non–Oriented Electrical Steel with Optimum Texture for High–Speed Traction Motors,” submitted to the International Conference on Materials and Intelligent Manufacturing, Incheon, S. Korea, August 2019.
  2. H. Dhulipati, S. Mukundan, L. Chauvin, C. Riczu, A. Edrisy, M. Kozdras, J. Bauman, S. Habibi, J. Tjong, and N.C. Kar, “Investigation of Aluminium and Copper Wound PMSM for Direct–drive Electric Vehicle Application,” submitted to the International Conference on Materials and Intelligent Manufacturing, Incheon, S. Korea, August 2019.
  3. P. Korta, A. Kundu, A. Balamurali, L.V. Iyer, G. Schlager, and N.C. Kar “A Novel Hybrid Modelling Approach Towards Comprehensive Drive Cycle Analysis of Si, SiC, and GaN based Electric Motor Drives,” submitted to the IEEE 45th Annual Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society, Lisbon, Portugal, October 2019.
  4. A. Kundu, A. Balamurali, H. Dhulipati, P. Korta, L.V. Iyer, G. Schlager, and N.C. Kar “Performance Analysis of Split-Phase Nine-Switch Inverter with Reduced Power Losses for 800 Volts Traction Application,” submitted to the IEEE 45th Annual Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society, Lisbon, Portugal, October 2019.
  5. J. Kim, Z. Han, P. Huang, D. O’Donnell, and N.C. Kar “Comparative Analysis of the Utilization of Supercapacitor versus Grid-Tie Inverter Regenerative Braking Methods for Elevator Systems,” submitted to the IEEE 45th Annual Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society, Lisbon, Portugal, October 2019.
  6. L. Chauvin, A.R. Riahi, N.C. Kar, and A. Edrisy, “Formability and Windability of Aluminum and Copper Magnet Wire,” submitted to the Canadian Materials Science Conference, Vancouver, Canada, June 2019.
  7. S. Mukundan, H. Dhulipati, E. Ghosh, G Feng, and N.C. Kar, “Non–dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm Based Investigation of Optimal Odd Slot Numbers for Stator Shifted Fractional–slot Wound PMSMs,” submitted to the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Baltimore, USA, September 2019.
  8. V. Jesudhas, R. Balachandar, R. Barron, K.L.V. Iyer, and N.C. Kar, “CFD Evaluation of a Discrete Liquid Jet Cooling System for Automotive Power Electronics,” submitted to ASME–JSME–KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, San Francisco, USA, 2019.
  9. A. Balamurali, A. Kundu, Z. Li, and N.C. Kar, “Improved Stator Current Vector Determination Considering Harmonic Iron Loss for Maximum Efficiency Control of PMSM in EV Applications,” accepted for presentation at the IEEE 22nd International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), Harbin, China, August 2019.
  10. E. Ghosh and N.C. Kar, “Machine Learning based Thermographic Monitoring of Traction Induction Motor for Fault Diagnosis in Electric Vehicles,” accepted for presentation at the IEEE 22nd ICEMS, Harbin, China, August 2019.
  11. S. Mukundan, H. Dhulipati, L. Chauvin, A. Edrisy, J. Tjong, and N.C. Kar, “Comparative Performance Analysis of Copper and Aluminum Wound Fractional-slot PMSMs for High-speed Traction Application,” accepted for presentation at the IEEE 22nd ICEMS, Harbin, China, August 2019.
  12. H. Dhulipati, S. Mukundan, E. Ghosh, J. Tjong, and N.C. Kar, “Slot-pole Combination Selection for Concentrated Wound Consequent Pole PMSM with Reduced EMF and Inductance Harmonics,” accepted for presentation at the IEEE 22nd ICEMS, Harbin, China, August 2019.
  13. W. Li, G. Feng, C. Lai, W. Li, and N.C. Kar, “Current Injection-based Simultaneous Stator Winding and PM Temperature Estimation for Dual Three-phase PMSMs,” accepted for presentation at the IEEE 22nd ICEMS, Harbin, China, August 2019.
  14. A.J. Bourgault, P. Roy, E. Ghosh, and N.C. Kar, “A Survey of Different Cooling Methods for Traction Motor Application,” accepted for presentation at the IEEE Canadian Conf. on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), Edmonton, Canada, May 2019.
  15. P. Roy, M. Towhidi, F. Ahmed, A.J. Bourgault, S. Mukundan, A. Balamurali, and N.C. Kar, “A Comprehensive Review of Thermal Design and Analysis of Traction Motors,” accepted for presentation at the IEEE 28th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Vancouver, Canada, June 2019.
  16. S. Mukundan, H. Dhulipati, G. Feng, J. Tjong, and N.C. Kar, “Modeling and analysis of novel star–delta winding configuration with odd slot numbers for reduced space harmonics using winding function theory,” accepted for presentation at the IEEE International Electric Machines & Drives Conference (IEMDC), San Diego, 2019.
  17. A. Kundu, A. Balamurali, G. Feng, and N.C. Kar, “Differential evolution based stator flux linkage estimation considering saturation, inverter nonlinearity and saliency in PMSM,” accepted for presentation at the IEEE IEMDC, San Diego, USA, 2019.

UWill Conference Papers:

  1. M. Khan, J. Cai, E. Ghosh, and N. C. Kar, “Designing of Next Generation Motor Drive Control for Electric Vehicle Application” Presented at the UWill Discovery Conference, Windsor, Canada, 2019.
  2. D. Bisetto,  A. Kundu, E. Ghosh, N. C. Kar, “Case Study of NEDC and WLTP Driving Cycle Test Methods on Inverter Efficiency and Losses” Presented at the UWill Discovery Conference, Windsor, Canada, 2019.
  3. A. J. Bourgault, E. Ghosh, and N. C. Kar, “An Introduction to the Importance and Implementations of Liquid Cooling in Electric Motors” Presented at the UWill Discovery Conference, Windsor, Canada, 2019.
  4. D. Venuto, A. Balamurali, and N. C. Kar, “Parameter Based PMSM Control Method for Maximum Efficiency” Presented at the UWill Discovery Conference, Windsor, Canada, 2019.
  5. S. Bartos, N. C. Kar, and A. Balamurali, “Analysis Towards Cross-Modal Global Electrification of Vehicles” Presented at the UWill Discovery Conference, Windsor, Canada, 2019.
  6. D. O’Donnell, J. Tjong, and N. C. Kar, “Life Expectancy Analysis and Optimization of Electric Vehicle Traction Motors” Presented at the UWill Discovery Conference, Windsor, Canada, 2019.