B.S. Degree in Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, in 2012
M.Sc. Degree in Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, in 2015
- Ze Li, Lile He, and Zhijie Guo. Research on Hydraulic Manifold Block Hole Routing Optimization Based on Improved Ant Colony Algorithm. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2015.
- Zhaoxing Li, Lile He, Ze Li, and Yunrui Li. A novel particle swarm optimization algorithm for network clustering. Journal of Digital Information Management, 14(1), 1, 2015.
Workshop Attended
Working at D&V Electronics, Vaughan, ON (May 2016-Current) for Ontario Center of Excellence(OCE) Industry-Academic R&D Project
Area of Research
Traction Machine Drives and Control