
B.S. Degree in Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, in 2012

M.Sc. Degree in Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, in 2015


  1. Ze Li, Lile He, and Zhijie Guo. Research on Hydraulic Manifold Block Hole Routing Optimization Based on Improved Ant Colony Algorithm. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2015.
  2. Zhaoxing Li, Lile He, Ze Li, and Yunrui Li. A novel particle swarm optimization algorithm for network clustering. Journal of Digital Information Management, 14(1), 1, 2015.

Workshop Attended

Working at D&V Electronics, Vaughan, ON (May 2016-Current) for Ontario Center of Excellence(OCE) Industry-Academic R&D Project

Area of Research

Traction Machine Drives and Control